On Sunday 17th February, a team of 12 people from Winchester Diocese (UK) landed to Rwanda for 9 days visit in the Diocese of Shyogwe of the Anglican Church of Rwanda. The team is composed by Pastors, teachers and Lay people being trained to be ordained. The aim of the visit is to share Jesus’ love with the People of Rwanda and also to learn how to do mission in UK under the inspiration of Rwanda experience. One may say that the contexts of these two churches are very different, but the Church has fundamental realities which apply in each context. After the 1994 Genocide committed against Tutsi, the Church has embarked on the process of reconciliation and transformation which has borne tangible fruits. UK nowadays is being under pressure of secularization and the political distress with Brexit plan, so it is believed that those being trained by Winchester School of Mission can be inspired by the experience of Rwanda pastors on how to do mission in a complex situation.

On Sunday, February 17, 2019, the UK team visited Runda Parish where Rev. Mark Collinson preached the word on the Lord’s Prayer and requested Runda parishioners to pray for the Church in UK for the Holy Spirit to be at work.

On Monday 18th, the Winchester Team met with Shyogwe Diocesan staff for morning devotion and shared with Shyogwe staff about what the Diocese does in order to bring the Kingdom of God in RWANDA and beyond.

Winchester Diocese is linked to the Diocese of Shyogwe for mutual partnership in the Gospel.
By Rev. Jean Pierre Methode RUKUNDO, Diocesan Development Officer